Thursday, April 21, 2011


Is anyone else really frustrated with they way we have to sign up for classes? Almost all the classes I NEED to take are completely filled, especially Univ. 200 classes at the time I need. I can't even register until tomorrow. I have to wake up at 7 something in the morning to make sure I get one of the 18 spots left in physiology lab class because its absolutely required for the nursing school. With my luck, my alarm won't wake me up or my computer will stop working. What's really frustrating me is that I have 30 credits right now and in order to have been able to register yesterday, you need a grand total of 31 credits. That's definitely not fair! I wish there was a better way to get the classes I need to take. They could at least make registration open at 12pm so I can sleep in a little on my one day off in the week!


  1. I think signing up for classes is one of the most frustrating things ever. I had to completely re-do my schedule because I couldn't get into all the classes I wanted at the times I needed them. I need to take Art History 270, History of the Motion picture, but it says I can't because I'm not an art history major- funny, because I'm taking 271 right now and I'm undeclared. I think the system is kind of ridiculous, but with so many people in this school I don't know how else they could do it.

  2. I hate the free for all that comes at 8am when it's time to sign up for classes. I don't know if there is or isn't a better way to sign up for classes, but if there was I would be for it.
