Thursday, April 7, 2011

Research Paper

For my research paper, I want to change the way the VCU Nursing School admissions is set up. I was wondering if any of you want to share your opinions about the following subjects (you can answer these questions if you are in the nursing school, tried to get in but was rejected, or if you have had a similar experience with admissions)

Do you think that the School of Nursing should expand in order to accept more qualified students? I do because the demand for nurses is growing exponentially and VCU is such a highly regarded nursing school that it should push out more graduates each year. Baby Boomers are getting old and definitely need nurses!

Do you think you were wrongfully rejected or were surprised you were accepted? I believe that students who had the potential to succeed in the nursing school were rejected because of limited space (only 60 people were accepted to the traditional program.)

Thanks for reading!

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