Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today I read weird statistics that are kind of silly and kind of sad. Why do people actually spend their lives figuring out that "The tip of a 1/3 inch long hour-hand on a wristwatch travels at 0.00000275 mph." Is this really all that important to my life? Did I really have to spend my time reading that? A shocking statistic is that "1/3 of all 3-6 year old children have a television in their room" AND it is known that 6 year olds spend close to 7 hours a day with technology and only 2 hours a day interacting with parents. It is even proven that children years 2 and under who watch tv are more likely to develop ADD than a child who doesn't. Also, girls aged 8-12 spend $40 MILLION every MONTH on beauty supplies; girls aged 6-9: 43% wear lipgloss and 38% use hair products. Thanks Hannah Montana. My 9 year old sister loves lipgloss and make-up, but she isn't allowed to wear it to school...yet. 

-How far would you go for $10 million? 25% would abandon their friends, family, and religion. 7% would murder.
-When nobody else is around, 47% drink straight from the carton.
- Can you tell me why only 5% of people give to charity at least once a month?


  1. It's really weird to see how views have changed since we were kids. My cousin, whose only 13, wears more make-up than I do. Strait black drawn on eyeliner and now she wants her belly button pierced. I don't oppose to things like this, I like how we as people have opened up to creativity, but for goodness sake!
    To answer your questions, I don't think id take the $10 mil. Every roommate I've had I have caught drinking the milk from the jug strait and people don't give to charity as much because they believe someone else will so why should they.

  2. I find the statistics about children watching tv and using technology depressing. My parents are divorced. When i remember being with my mom during childhood, i remember playing outside all the time. I used to love it! When i look at the time i spent with my dad, all i can remember is watching tv and being bored. I am so glad that i grew up with my mom rather than my dad. Seeing my sisters sit around at my dads house doing nothing all day scares me. I feel like every summer, less and less kids are outside playing. I wish more people could see the value in basic fun activities. In many ways technology is wonderful, but it shouldnt be abused to the point where it is having this horrible effect on children.

  3. I find the statistic about the 10 million dollars so ridiculously depressing. The idea that people have so little conviction in the things that are supposed to mean the most to them when the prospect of money comes along is really disheartening. If these people are as passionate about their family and friends and religion as I have been led to believe, is money really that much more important in their life? Or do they just have so little love for these things they would throw them away like that? And in that case why not explore other religions and meet new people and open yourself up to your family more? Bah.
