Sunday, February 20, 2011


All of my life I have had dreams of my teeth being knocked out or just randomly getting extremely loose. It is one of my biggest and probably most irrational fears. I saw the newest saw movie, Saw 3D, and I literally had to cover my eyes and turn my head when the guy was forced to pull his own teeth out for a clue to the puzzle. But when people were getting sawed in half and having the skin off their backs ripped off I had no problem watching because I knew it was all fake.
         On Friday I had to get my bottom left wisdom tooth pulled out because it was infected. I was very nervous and completely freaked out. I didn’t have enough money to cover the extraction and IV sedation fees to have all four removed (as the dentist recommend) so I decided to just have the one done with nitrous (aka laughing gas). Have you ever had nitrous? It is pretty weird. My dentist became the comedian of the year. Everything he said was hilarious and sometimes I couldn’t help but laugh. When he moved the chair up, it never seemed to stop moving, and the lights were playing tricks. My heartbeat slowed down and I stopped shaking. I was completely aware of him pulling the tooth out, but it wasn’t as big of a deal to me as it was waiting 45 minutes in the lobby anticipating it.
         So maybe whenever psychologists are trying to have someone conquer their fear, they should just give them a little laughing gas. Or maybe not lol.

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