Thursday, February 10, 2011

Miserable or Lost?

Yesterday I decided to give up watching tv shows on my laptop. This was particularly hard because I've been dying to see the new episode of Greek and Teen Mom 2, among other shows. I was very bored all night long and I actually resorted to reading a book for my nutrition class. Even though I needed to read, all I wanted to do was be lazy and watch my shows. I kind of realized how addicting my laptop is to me. I use it for everything, especially entertainment. Not having my laptop for these entertainment purposes was not fun at all and I don't plan on ever willingly do it again. I wanted to give up every five minutes, but that would defeat the purpose of this assignment. 
I almost decided to give up my GPS because I knew I had several errands to run and was planning on using it to get to the various places. However, I decided that for my safety and health (along with other fellow drivers) this would not be a good idea because I was born with a severe case of "Directionally Challenged Syndrome). It is so severe that if I suggest a direction to go, my family and friends decide to go the other way (probably the best decision.) So I reverted to my second choice which just left me miserable rather than lost. 

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