Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Passion Discovered

       I miss volleyball. This magnificent sport was the highlight of my high school career. Volleyball was the first thing I truly felt passionate about. It taught me devotion, friendship, cooperation, trust, and self-will. Tryout week of my freshman year was nerve-racking as I worked painfully hard running and conditioning under the watchful eye of the coach and waited anxiously to see if I made the team. When she called my name, I was never happier.
       Throughout the years I participated in pep-rallies, homecoming parades, and I gladly sported my uniform on game days. My sophomore year was extremely difficult, however, because we got a new coach who was very aggressive. She ran us ragged and exhausted every piece of energy we had in our bodies. Although it was extremely tedious, we pulled together and created a very talented team.
       By senior year, my coach had us running 3 miles every practice relentlessly. Unfortunately, I suffered a knee injury during a pre-season tournament. I added physical therapy on to the list of volleyball demands. Luckily, the injury wasn’t bad enough to keep me from playing; it was just a huge, painful bother.
       By the end of my final season of Volleyball, I realized that the best part of my high school career was discovering my true potential. I never would have found this out if it weren’t for my coach, my teammates, and the love I have for this powerful sport. 

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