Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Word

Personally, I think I am mostly a scholar. All my life I have been driven to get good grades and excel in school the best that I can. It is my dream to attend graduate school to become a nurse anesthetist because I want to help people every day of my life. In my opinion, learning is only tedious when I can't stand the subject. Otherwise, it's not too bad learning subjects that deal with my major. 
However, I would be lying if I said my original plans to go to college (in kindergarten) wasn't inspired by the demands of society like "the conflicted" category. All my life (and yours too I'm sure!) everyone shoved the words "GO TO COLLEGE" in my head. This definitely had an early impact on my future plans. Never once did I question whether or not I was going to go to college. 
Although I am predominantly a scholar, I also share some qualities with the other two categories as well. I am personally not yet ready to start a lifelong career like "the drifters", so college is a time where I can just be myself while I prepare myself for my future. Also, I am ultimately here at college to get a job like "the careerists." 
So how is it fair to categorize a college student with one word? It's not, in my opinion. But hopefully I will never run into Ken Steele and I'll never have to categorize myself with one word. I'll just stick with being me because that's the best category for myself I can possibly think of. 

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