Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Hero

Kassidy is a cute, talented, amazing superstar. She also happens to be my little sister. She was born February 7th, 2002, when I was nine years old. I quickly learned how to change diapers, make bottles, and love a new life. She was the youngest of five children and was soon surrounded by 4 older, hard to deal with, teenagers. Before I knew it, she had captured my heart, and the hearts of my whole family. I was there for her first bite of food, her first walk, her first word, and I even was there to teach her first song to her: “Old MacDonald.” She ran around the house singing “E-I-E-I-O!”
       Now, she is almost nine years old and she is unstoppable. Kassidy can sing, dance, and steal the attention of every viewer. One of her specialties is fashion. She chooses all of her clothes and shoes and accessories from some of the leading fashion stores like Kohl’s, Target, and Belk. Then, she performs a fashion show for the family, making sure everyone sees her walking down the runway and her posing at every corner. She says to me, “Ashley, aren’t I such a fashionista?”
       When I got my license we went everywhere: McDonald’s, Chuck E. Cheese, the park, the pool, friend’s houses, and anywhere else we wanted to go. Now that I’m at college, I realize how much I miss her. Although she can push my buttons, and I hers, she will always be my little hero because as she grows into a young lady, our friendship continually strengthens into a blossoming relationship. I am extremely thankful for having her in my life, and I only wish I could make her even happier. I can’t imagine a life without my little sister, and I pray for strength to be a better companion to her. She’s gone through so much hardship already with our parent’s divorce and living in 5 houses in 6 years and switching schools in the middle of the year twice already. And yet, she is still happy and loving, and full of life.
       Kassidy Anne is my hero and my superstar. 

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