Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Alien and the Mermaid

Zargfaffer from planet Korut fell from the sky it seemed. Of course it was a beautiful 88 degree, sunny day, and the beach was crowded with tourists and locals who never get along. Zarg hit his head and forgot where he came from or how he had gotten there. When he fell on the beach, the beach-goers formed a huge circle around him. The big tall men stood in front with umbrella sticks and sand shovels to protect the women and children. Zarg, and his intellectual superiority quickly adapted to the weather and to the language. He now knew all the words that the people were saying, nothing more, nothing less. He decided to speak.
"I want a taco."
"What did he say?" the people were yelling.
"What did he say?!" yelled Zarg at the biggest man standing near him.
Everyone gasped and took a step back.
"Let's kill him!" Yelled the big man. Everyone agreed. They swarmed him.

"Wait!" Yelled the most beautiful voice Zarg had ever heard in all the galaxies he's ever been to before. "Don't hurt him!"
All the people were screaming, "It's a mermaid!" "She's beautiful!" "Get my camera!"
Zarg levitated all of the people standing in his way of the voice and put them to the side. He walked on the ocean water to the rock the mermaid was sitting on. "You're beautiful. Come back to Korut with me."
"But I am just a mermaid who breathes water and cannot walk."
"I will turn you into a Koruter."
"Why don't you just turn into a merman?"
"Well, okay." And that's just what Zarg did, and they lived happily forever after.

They even had 546 children.

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