Monday, February 21, 2011

In Defense Of...

My last post was about how I had a tooth pulled and was completely freaked out. I thought I would continue the theme and defend dentists. Many many people (like me) are afraid of paying the dentist a visit. Also, some people (like me) criticize dentists. For example, sometimes people might decide not to have teeth pulled (like wisdom teeth) because they think dentists are only advising people to have them removed in order to make extra money. Like me. If you have to have one pulled why not get them all? Usually though, dentists are right...
Also, some people (like me) might think that they know more about their teeth than dentists. The toothache has to go away eventually right? Maybe not...I even had this crazy theory that dentists are really evil and give you nitrous in order to keep you quiet through the excruciating pain they force on you. Or maybe it's like that movie Awake (where the guy was going through surgery awake and aware of all the pain but couldn't tell anyone because he couldn't move). Maybe the nitrous makes you unable to scream your pain and you just have to live through it. Maybe not.
Well, this treatment of dentists is unfair. We (by we I mostly mean me lol) shouldn't blame our dentists for our insecurities and should be thankful for them because they get rid of toothaches!

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