Thursday, February 24, 2011

Monkey time

I love baby animals! But who doesn't? I wonder how they can get a monkey to post with a tiger cub.

When I was younger I was obsessed with monkeys. I had several stuffed animals and 90% of them were monkeys. 

Posing with tigers make monkeys even more amazing. 
Nature is amazing =)


"You're going to die from that."
"You're gonna die too."
"From what?"
"Everyone dies."
"Smoking cigarettes will kill you faster."
"Not if you get in a car accident tomorrow. Then YOU will die faster."
"But I'm not going to get in a car accident. So you will die faster than me because you smoke."
"What if someone trying to prove a point decides to take the brakes out of your car tonight and tomorrow you die in a freak accident? Then you will die first."
"That's not even funny."
"I thought is was funny."
"You think its funny saying that you're going to take the brakes out of my car to kill me just so you can prove your stupid point?"
"No. I never said I was going to be the one who messed with your brakes."
"So what, you're going to tell someone else to mess with my brakes to kill me to prove a point?"
"Well at least I won't go to jail. It's not fun there."
"You're an idiot. Don't talk about me dying."
"Then don't talk about me dying!"

Monday, February 21, 2011

In Defense Of...

My last post was about how I had a tooth pulled and was completely freaked out. I thought I would continue the theme and defend dentists. Many many people (like me) are afraid of paying the dentist a visit. Also, some people (like me) criticize dentists. For example, sometimes people might decide not to have teeth pulled (like wisdom teeth) because they think dentists are only advising people to have them removed in order to make extra money. Like me. If you have to have one pulled why not get them all? Usually though, dentists are right...
Also, some people (like me) might think that they know more about their teeth than dentists. The toothache has to go away eventually right? Maybe not...I even had this crazy theory that dentists are really evil and give you nitrous in order to keep you quiet through the excruciating pain they force on you. Or maybe it's like that movie Awake (where the guy was going through surgery awake and aware of all the pain but couldn't tell anyone because he couldn't move). Maybe the nitrous makes you unable to scream your pain and you just have to live through it. Maybe not.
Well, this treatment of dentists is unfair. We (by we I mostly mean me lol) shouldn't blame our dentists for our insecurities and should be thankful for them because they get rid of toothaches!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


All of my life I have had dreams of my teeth being knocked out or just randomly getting extremely loose. It is one of my biggest and probably most irrational fears. I saw the newest saw movie, Saw 3D, and I literally had to cover my eyes and turn my head when the guy was forced to pull his own teeth out for a clue to the puzzle. But when people were getting sawed in half and having the skin off their backs ripped off I had no problem watching because I knew it was all fake.
         On Friday I had to get my bottom left wisdom tooth pulled out because it was infected. I was very nervous and completely freaked out. I didn’t have enough money to cover the extraction and IV sedation fees to have all four removed (as the dentist recommend) so I decided to just have the one done with nitrous (aka laughing gas). Have you ever had nitrous? It is pretty weird. My dentist became the comedian of the year. Everything he said was hilarious and sometimes I couldn’t help but laugh. When he moved the chair up, it never seemed to stop moving, and the lights were playing tricks. My heartbeat slowed down and I stopped shaking. I was completely aware of him pulling the tooth out, but it wasn’t as big of a deal to me as it was waiting 45 minutes in the lobby anticipating it.
         So maybe whenever psychologists are trying to have someone conquer their fear, they should just give them a little laughing gas. Or maybe not lol.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today I read weird statistics that are kind of silly and kind of sad. Why do people actually spend their lives figuring out that "The tip of a 1/3 inch long hour-hand on a wristwatch travels at 0.00000275 mph." Is this really all that important to my life? Did I really have to spend my time reading that? A shocking statistic is that "1/3 of all 3-6 year old children have a television in their room" AND it is known that 6 year olds spend close to 7 hours a day with technology and only 2 hours a day interacting with parents. It is even proven that children years 2 and under who watch tv are more likely to develop ADD than a child who doesn't. Also, girls aged 8-12 spend $40 MILLION every MONTH on beauty supplies; girls aged 6-9: 43% wear lipgloss and 38% use hair products. Thanks Hannah Montana. My 9 year old sister loves lipgloss and make-up, but she isn't allowed to wear it to school...yet. 

-How far would you go for $10 million? 25% would abandon their friends, family, and religion. 7% would murder.
-When nobody else is around, 47% drink straight from the carton.
- Can you tell me why only 5% of people give to charity at least once a month?

Miserable or Lost?

Yesterday I decided to give up watching tv shows on my laptop. This was particularly hard because I've been dying to see the new episode of Greek and Teen Mom 2, among other shows. I was very bored all night long and I actually resorted to reading a book for my nutrition class. Even though I needed to read, all I wanted to do was be lazy and watch my shows. I kind of realized how addicting my laptop is to me. I use it for everything, especially entertainment. Not having my laptop for these entertainment purposes was not fun at all and I don't plan on ever willingly do it again. I wanted to give up every five minutes, but that would defeat the purpose of this assignment. 
I almost decided to give up my GPS because I knew I had several errands to run and was planning on using it to get to the various places. However, I decided that for my safety and health (along with other fellow drivers) this would not be a good idea because I was born with a severe case of "Directionally Challenged Syndrome). It is so severe that if I suggest a direction to go, my family and friends decide to go the other way (probably the best decision.) So I reverted to my second choice which just left me miserable rather than lost. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I remember September 11th as a very strange and horrible day. I was in still in grade school, only 9 years old. It started off as any normal day. We were talking about the civil war. Then, an hour or so after school had started, children in my class started disappearing. Usually, if a kid gets called out of class, all the other students were extremely jealous and wished they were being called out of school too. Well, about 3/4 of the class got their wish that day because frantic and panicked parents grabbed their children out of school faster than the teacher could keep count. By midday, everyone knew something was up, but the teachers just smiled and kept us ignorant to the evils of the world. Now that I think about it, the teachers must have had an extreme amount of strength to keep their cool. Anyway, when I finally got off the bus and started walking home, I had no idea anything drastic was going on. I walked into my mom's room and saw her crying her eyes out watching the rerun of the massive terrorist attack. She called my older brother and I to her and she hugged us for the next hour and tried to explain what had happened.
I asked my mom what her experience of that day was. She told me she had gone to work like any other normal day. Around 9:15 people at her office started flipping out, and everyone was running around like beheaded chickens. They all gathered around the office television and watched the horror that looked like a Hollywood prank. Most workers, including my mom, left work early to go get their kids out of school. But after she got on the highway (along with the rest of northern virginia) she decided it would be safer and easier to just let us ride the bus home. For my mom, it was a much more frightening experience because she was older, wiser, and experienced. I was just a child. She had the fear I would have had if it had happened yesterday. She was also afraid that Washington was in danger because of the attack on the Pentagon, and we were extremely close to Washington.
It's interesting to see my mother's experience with 9/11 compared to mine. I was only a child. I didn't know what a terrorist was. I didn't know how detrimental the attack was until sometime later. I didn't understand why this incident caused schools across America to have a moment of silence every day and listen to "God Bless America" for the rest of the 2001-2002 school year. But now I realize just how devastating the attack was on our country.

Picture Poem

October. Tradition of pumpkin patches
leads us to this amazing animal farm.
A little girl, my sister, sees a flawlessly striped zebra.
She pats a fine example of nature
while our mother and my boyfriend watch, fascinated.

My sister loves Halloween; the candy,
the pumpkins, the leaves, the fun, and the zebra.
She is thinking that the zebra must love her,
because she is sweet enough to pet and love the zebra.
All year long, she has waited, because last year she was afraid.

She tries not to show her fear, but her
hesitating hand gives her away.
She wants to prove to us her courage. We love you,
Kassidy, and why are you proving your bravery to us,
when we should be proving ours to you?