Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kings Dominion

Other KD pics.

This is the Volcano. Perhaps the best and one of the scariest coasters they have! Fire comes out as you go through.

This is the Anaconda. This is also my little sister's first upside down roller coaster as of last weekend (she's 9). Go her! It goes under water in a tunnel.

Map to Kings Dominion


I am so happy that Freshman year is almost over. I have one final in Anatomy which is going to kill me but I'm pretty confident I can get a good grade. This summer I'm going to have a season pass to Kings Dominion and I'm going to go at least 10 times. If you've never been, you should seriously think about going. They have one of the tallest roller coasters in America called the Intimidator 305 (305 ft. tall). It's so tall that they don't even open it on cloudy days because they are afraid of lightning. Amazing right?  I'm also going to be working a lot too. I hope Summer goes by extremely slow because I need a break, as do we all.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Clothesline Project Pics (see previous blog)

Clothesline Project

Did anyone go to the clothesline project earlier this month? If not, you really missed out. It was a display of tee-shirts that were decorated by women who were assaulted in some way.

 All the different colored shirts represented different stories. The yellow shirts were of women who were physically assaulted. The red, orange, and pink shirts all represented women who were raped. The blue and green shirts represented women who were raped or sexually assaulted by family members (incest). The purple shirts represented women who were assaulted because of their sexual orientation. The black shirts (which there were very few of) represented women who were assaulted due to their political standing. Worst of all, the white shirts represented women who were sexually or physically assaulted and died because of it. 

The large number of white shirts that I saw literally scared me and brought tears to my eyes. All of the white shirts were made by people who were close to these women. Most of them displayed a name, date of death, and the words “Rest in Peace.” The white shirts definitely stood out to me and touched me emotionally. Most of the white shirts that I read were of young women under the age of 18. Some were as young as 5. 

Almost every single shirt, though, had a glimpse of hope, faith, and forgiveness. Some symbols that I saw repeatedly were bible verses, stories, hope symbols, pictures of hearts, hands, birds, flowers, footprints, smiley faces, frown faces, tears, smiles, words, blood, crosses, sunshine, violence, pictures of people (themselves or their attackers), vast array of colors, torn pockets, acorns, alcohol, ages, and the word ‘virginity’.

It was a great display and I encourage everyone to attend next year!



Is anyone else really frustrated with they way we have to sign up for classes? Almost all the classes I NEED to take are completely filled, especially Univ. 200 classes at the time I need. I can't even register until tomorrow. I have to wake up at 7 something in the morning to make sure I get one of the 18 spots left in physiology lab class because its absolutely required for the nursing school. With my luck, my alarm won't wake me up or my computer will stop working. What's really frustrating me is that I have 30 credits right now and in order to have been able to register yesterday, you need a grand total of 31 credits. That's definitely not fair! I wish there was a better way to get the classes I need to take. They could at least make registration open at 12pm so I can sleep in a little on my one day off in the week!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Side dish too!

My last post was about chicken marsala because I was hungry. This is the perfect side dish to the chicken marsala that I absolutely love. These mashed potatoes have sour cream which you have to try if you never have. And of course I always put lots of butter in them to make them really delicious. So I have dedicated my blogs this week to this meal that I wish I was eating right now.


  • 2 pounds red potatoes, quartered
  • 1 cup (8 ounces) BREAKSTONE'S® Sour Cream
  • 2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper


  • Place potatoes in a large saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until tender.
  • Drain and transfer to a large bowl. Add the remaining ingredients; mash until blended. Yield: 5 servings.

I'm hungry

I was looking for inspiration for this blog and I realized how hungry I was so I decided to post one of my all time favorite dishes: Chicken Marsala. I love eating it at Carrabba's but I can't always afford to go there so sometimes I try to make my own. Of course its never as good but it's still a great in home recipe!


  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon Essence, recipe follows
  • 2 (6 to 8-ounce) boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut in halves and pounded thin
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 3 cups sliced mushrooms (cremini, oyster, shiitake)
  • 3/4 cup Marsala
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Chopped chives, for garnish


In a shallow bowl or plate combine the flour and Essence and stir to combine thoroughly. Quickly dredge the chicken breast halves in the seasoned flour mixture, shaking to remove any excess flour.
Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat until very hot but not smoking. Add 1 tablespoon of the butter and cook the chicken breasts until golden brown on both sides, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate and set aside. Add 1 tablespoon of the remaining butter to the pan and add the mushrooms. Cook, stirring frequently, until mushrooms are golden brown around the edges and have given off their liquid. Add the Marsala wine and bring to aboil, scraping to remove any browned bits from the bottom of the pan. When the wine has reduced by half, add the chicken stock and cook for 3 minutes, or until the sauce has thickened slightly. Lower the heat to medium and return the chicken breasts to the pan and continue to cook until they are cooked through and thesauce has thickened, about 5 to 6 minutes. Swirl in the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter, add salt and pepper, to taste. Garnish with chopped chives and serve immediately

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Research Paper

For my research paper, I want to change the way the VCU Nursing School admissions is set up. I was wondering if any of you want to share your opinions about the following subjects (you can answer these questions if you are in the nursing school, tried to get in but was rejected, or if you have had a similar experience with admissions)

Do you think that the School of Nursing should expand in order to accept more qualified students? I do because the demand for nurses is growing exponentially and VCU is such a highly regarded nursing school that it should push out more graduates each year. Baby Boomers are getting old and definitely need nurses!

Do you think you were wrongfully rejected or were surprised you were accepted? I believe that students who had the potential to succeed in the nursing school were rejected because of limited space (only 60 people were accepted to the traditional program.)

Thanks for reading!

This Song is Funny

The song Crazy Possessive by Kaci Battaglia is really funny because the music video pretty much is saying that she is actually crazy possessive. She is threatening another girl, who is really herself, that if she calls or touches her man again she'll "F*** you up!" In the music video she watches herself flirt with her boyfriend and then gets mad at herself. I like the song though, you should check it out and let me know what you think =)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Allodaxaphobia is the fear of the opinions of other people. It is also every bloggers worse nightmare. It may sound silly or out of the ordinary, but in mild conditions I think that many people have allodaxaphobia. I'm sure that many people second guess themselves when they are about about to press the "post" button on their blog. I know I do.
In a certain essence most people, if not everyone cares about what other people think. I wish I could know what people think about me when I walk by or when I post a blog. I'm not necessarily afraid of other people's opinions, but I still have reservations when posting blogs, or speaking in public, or being the center of attention like at graduation or similar situations.
Do you have allodaxaphobia?
Do you have anatedaephobia?
What about Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

April Fool's Day Pranks

1. Put a piece of bubblewrap under the toilet seat so when your victim sits, they are surprised by a loud POP

2. Find an old bottle of nail polish that you don't want anymore. Unscrew the cap and set it sideways on a piece of waxed paper, letting the contents flow out into a puddle. When it dries completely, peel it off of the paper. Now you can put it anywhere and trick someone into thinking there is spilled nail polish. Works best on something your victim cherishes or on one of their important documents!

3. Tape magnets to the bottom of an empty coffee cup, and attach it to the top of your car. Laugh at all the people who frantically try to get your attention as you drive by.

4. Buy some fake but realistic-looking flowers from a craft store and "plant" them in your victim's garden. They will be shocked to find they have a greener thumb than they thought!

5. Did someone you know leave out an important paper, project, homework, etc.? Then you have a perfect opportunity for a fun prank! Just take some paper that looks somewhat similar to their project. Set their real project aside, and spill a drink or something messy all over the fake project. Say "Oh My God!" and pretend to apologize. They'll have a major anxiety attack until you surprise them with "April Fool's!"

6. Offer to make a sandwich for the victim. But don't remove the wrapper from the slice of cheese. When they bite down they'll get a chewy surprise.

7. Replace the lotion in your victim's lotion bottle with mayonnaise.

8. Carefully place small water balloons in the toe your victim's shoes. They'll get a wet surprise!

9. Put a few drops of green food coloring in the milk to make it look as if it has soured. When someone pours it in the morning, they will think it has gone bad.

10. Take a box full of candy you know the victim likes (Whoppers work good). Remove the candy and replace it with Play-Dough in the shape of candy. Watch him/her be surprised when they get offered Play-Dough candy!